Welcome to www.mothersofnations.com

Uncategorized Nov 26, 2021

Dear Women of God,

When I turned forty years old (now over thirty years ago), I asked the Lord a question. “What will I do when I grow up?” I was asking a bit humorously, but I truly meant what I said. I wanted to know what He had for me over the next several decades of my life.

Little did I realize that God had a definite answer and detailed plan just for me! He saw a pastor, a leader, an author . . . and a Mother of Nations.  Somehow through abiding in Him, listening to His voice, and obeying His promptings, my life has produced fruitfulness, joy, and fulfillment. My service to the Lord has been interesting beyond my imagination, rewarding, and incredibly blessed.

It is with great excitement that I introduce you to the vision that was birthed in my spirit not long after I asked God, “What will I do when I grow up?” In the midst of the unique and challenging “unprecedented times” of the past year, my long-nurtured vision is becoming a reality!

Welcome to www.mothersofnations.com !

Our new website platform offers up-to-date technology to provide a wide variety of online content, coming directly into your home or ministry office wherever you are located all around the globe.

Some of the ministry opportunities and training tools to be launched on our website include:
*Leadership and training seminars
*Teachings from other mothers of nations on topics of which they are particularly anointed
*Bible Studies
*Devotional encouragement
*Testimonials from other Mothers of Nations
*Mentoring opportunities
*Resource products 
*And more!

Access to some of these items above will be free to online visitors. Other products and opportunities will be available to those who partner with us.

My prayer is that YOU would become a woman who impacts her world for Jesus Christ. God has a unique plan just for you and we want to do all we can to help you find it, develop it, and embrace it. That is what the content of mothersofnations.com is all about. You can become all that He has created you to be … a Mother of Nations!

Please join me and women from around the world as we step fully into our callings and destinies to impact the nations for Jesus Christ.

Your Friend and a Mother of Nations,
Dr. Sharon Predovich


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