Vessels for the Master's Use -- part 3

Uncategorized Apr 26, 2024

Mothers of Nations, as we conclude our focus on the topic of the Potter and the clay, I believe the Lord is now asking questions like these of us.

  • Would you join Me in My Potter's house?
  • Are you willing to go to an unknown place with Me?
  • Would you be willing to go to places I want to send you?
  • Will you go to the place I created for you at this time?

Watching a potter work is interesting, isn’t it? Yet when we are that clay that has been thrown on the Potter’s wheel, the process is now not that interesting. Right?

In watching a potter work, I have noticed that the lump of clay gets thrown on the spinning wheel. Do you ever feel thrown around in life, spinning out of control? I know we all have been in that place. Interestingly the word used for “thrown” at times means “trust.”  Can we trust the Master Potter to keep us centered on the wheel of life?

As we are thrown on the wheel and begin to spin we soon see and feel the Potter's hand on us the clay. The pressure He applies exposes the rocks, impurities, and lumps of our lives that need to be dealt with and removed.

Have you had any lumps worked out of your life lately by the Lord? Only God knows what we really need deep inside to purify and perfect our vessel, our life.

God greatly desires that we become chosen vessels, and He always knows just how much pressure to apply to bring this to pass. 2 Corinthians 4: 7 reminds us:   But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

God's hand can tell if we need water to soften us.

God's hand can tell if we need to be pulled up or down.

God's hand can tell if we need more pressure or less.

God's hand can tell if we need heat applied such as the furnace of affliction or a day in the sun.

God’s hand can tell if we need to sit on the shelf for a while.

You and I are those lumps of clay that our loving God desires to fashion. A lump is simply a lump, a blob. It cannot move on its own. It cannot make anything happen by itself. It really cannot function at all.

We “lumps” need a Divine connection with our Creator. We must choose to allow the Potter access to us and choose to let Him throw us on the wheel of life to be shaped and formed into something beautiful and of worth. We choose to yield to His Hand so that He can create a chosen vessel for His purpose and use.

Where are you today? Are you on the Potter’s wheel spinning round and round? Are you drying out in a hot place and wondering what is going on in your life? Are you sitting on a shelf somewhere feeling separated and alone? Are you feeling pressure to yield and release impurities from your life?

Wherever we are today, we can trust the process of the Potter and the clay.  When all is completed, He only makes beautiful vessels!

Dr. Sharon Predovich







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