The Wounded Spirit - part 1

Uncategorized Sep 30, 2022

Many years ago I found myself sitting in a women’s Bible study listening to ladies share their hearts regarding hurtful situations. Just as the time of sharing was closing, one of the women said to me, “Sharon, why don’t you lead worship at our next meeting?”  I was absolutely stunned and then proceeded to tell her all the reasons why I could never do that – because I could not sing! After I finished my tirade of excuses she simply responded to me, “You CAN sing. I’ve heard you.”

I tried to reinforce my statements about my singing inabilities but she just kept countering every argument with, “Yes, yes you can!”  Finally she said, “Who told you that you couldn’t sing?” 

I then explained to her about a time long ago when I was asked to prepare a singing lesson for an elementary education class I was taking in college. The requirements for the course included getting up in front of our class and leading all the students in a song. When my turn came, I mustered up all the strength and confidence I could find and started to sing the little song that I had prepared.

Upon my final note the class professor came up to me and put her arm around my shoulder. She said, “That’s OK Sharon. Not everyone can sing.”  I was instantly mortified, humiliated, and shamed. I felt like crawling into a hole and hiding from everyone in that room. From that experience in college forward, I had not been confident to sing in front of anyone.

Well that little story was all it took for the Bible study teacher to recognize what was wrong with me. She said, “Sharon, you have a wounded spirit. But Jesus can heal that so please let us pray for you right now.” 

Those ladies started to pray the most beautiful prayer, asking God to heal my wounded heart. As they prayed a little tiny tear formed in my right eye and then rolled down my cheek. I felt warm and peaceful. It was so intimate and comforting that Jesus would touch my wounded heart in that way.

Little did I realize what a change would take place in my life following that single, anointed moment of prayer. It was just a few weeks later that I was leading worship at our prayer meeting with full confidence and boldness. Jesus had healed my wounded heart instantly and completely.

Before we close today Mothers of Nations, let’s take some time and allow the Holy Spirit to examine our hearts. Are there wounds that need healing? Next week we will examine several Scriptures about wounded spirits that will help bring wholeness to our lives.

Dr. Sharon Predovich



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