The Nine Gifts of the Spirit -- part 10

Uncategorized Mar 03, 2023

The Gift of Working of Miracles

Today we will conclude this study of the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit by looking at the third “power gift” called the working of miracles. It is a power gift where supernatural intervention in the ordinary course of nature occurs.

This spiritual gift is extremely outstanding, unusual, and beyond human reasoning. Working of miracles can turn water into blood, stop a hurricane, lift a tornado, dissipate a tidal wave, still a storm, or feed a multitude on a small supply.

Hebrews 2: 4 (NKJV) tells us that signs and wonders follow the believer. “God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will.”

Working of miracles is sometimes so natural that it barely seems supernatural. When Moses parted the Red Sea, science tries to explain it as an ice storm. When Moses hit the rock and water gushed out there are those who say this was a trick that desert people knew how to perform. Yet both of these miracles fulfilled the plan of God, brought deliverance, and led the Israelites to safety. They were most assuredly miracles!

The gift of working of miracles is for our benefit to either save lives, fulfill a purpose, or perpetuate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The timing is always perfect and the location is just as divine.

Once I heard a story about a man who was caught in an ambush by Marxist Communists who were trying to kill him. These evil men told the man to dig his own grave. As he started to put the shovel into the ground, a great light appeared and fully surrounded him, frightening the rebels away. The operation of this spiritual gift literally saved his life!

There are so many testimonies where the people of God have experienced this spiritual gift of working of miracles. Do you have one? I would love to hear about your experiences with this spiritual gift!


In closing this series of blog entries, all the nine gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to us as believers. Some people minister in one gift, some in two or three, and some in all. Each spiritual gift is as the Lord wills, and we are subject to Him to even operate in them.

But when the Lord wants a soul saved, He can give us a word of knowledge to soften the heart of the unbeliever. He can give us a word of wisdom to enlighten and direct our path. Discerning of spirits can expose the enemy and keep us from harm or let us know angels are watching over us.

The inspiration gifts can come to encourage, edify, and comfort when we need that type of ministry. The power gifts can be used to fulfill the purposes of God in our lives and the lives of others.

Remember, the Apostle Paul admonished us neither to be ignorant of nor to despise these nine spiritual gifts. Rather, we are to learn about them and be always available to use them to further the Kingdom of God.

Mothers of Nations, I pray that the Lord will infuse you with His power and release these spiritual gifts in your life to do the work of the ministry and complete your destiny on earth!

Dr. Sharon Predovich





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