The Anointing - part 1

Uncategorized May 05, 2023

The anointing has always been one of my favorite topics to teach. My first years of knowing the Lord introduced me to His Spirit and to the anointing.  Many people have ideas as to what the anointing is and many operate in the anointing in their ministries.  To me, the anointing is the manifested presence of the Lord in a tangible way that we might know He is present.

The anointing may manifest in unlimited, diverse ways, yet we often limit it to only our past experiences.  This is a mistake because whichever way God chooses to demonstrate Himself is His choice and certainly not ours.  We may stir up the Gifts of God by prayer or teaching the Word, but in all reality, God decides just how much of Himself shows up!

The anointing is so precious.  Therefore, we need to spend time learning about it so we can be more effective in our walk with God.

Acts 2 tells us that the early Church received power when the Holy Spirit came upon them.  They were, according to the scriptures, speaking in tongues and overflowing with joy in the Holy Ghost.  People thought they were full of wine and were drunk.  Others listening could not understand how people could be speaking their language praising God, yet had never been to their region to learn the language. 

That first day the Church was birthed an anointing fell that changed the Church forever.  The anointing of the Holy Spirit was so strong that those who experienced it would never be the same.  They became new people – people filled with the power of the Spirit and people willing to step out into the world to tell what had happened to them.  This outpouring, called the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, produced such a powerful flow of God’s anointing that we are still influenced by it today. 

This flow of the Spirit produced change in the atmosphere, change in the community, change in the church, and change in each individual.  New things began to happen because change causes reactions.  It can be accepted, tolerated, or completely rejected.

This fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit had everyone in that upper room speaking in a new language.  The gift of tongues was new to them and to everyone who heard it.  Not only were they speaking in a new way, but they were also demonstrating new behavior.  Peter, having been fearful and withdrawn, was now standing up and preaching boldly.  This was a new man!  He started telling them who he was, who Jesus was, and what a terrible mistake they had made.  His new boldness came from the anointing he had received in that upper room.  Baptized in the Holy Spirit, Peter was now brave and vocal.

Can you picture the flurry of activity that the anointing created?  The people were hearing that they had taken Jesus by lawless hands, crucified Him, and put Him to death.  Peter’s words were so anointed and convicting that the Bible says the hearers were “cut to the heart.”  His words had pierced through their hard hearts to bring them to repentance.  Peter was flowing in a new dimension of the Spirit that was able to penetrate the soul of a man to the very core of the heart.  The anointing made him bold, confident, and convicting.  Three thousand souls came in that day due to the anointing resting on Peter’s life and in the city.

The anointing continued to flow in the people’s lives as they met in homes to pray, fellowship, and break bread. They even became afraid because the anointing was so strong that the apostles were now doing signs and wonders.  The anointing for signs and wonders can happen wherever one goes. God promises to use us to deliver people from demons, to heal the sick, and to cleanse the leper.  The Church knew the power they were moving in and wanted to get out into the community to change lives.

I can envision the anointing being so strong when they gathered that each one could clearly hear the voice of God. That is probably why they gave up their possessions so readily. As the anointing unveiled needs, the people saw themselves able to help.  The anointing broke the shackles of greed and created an atmosphere of love and generosity. This anointing gave them favor with all the people and more believers joined them.

Next week we will continue in the book of Acts looking at more examples of the power of God’s anointing. As we close today, please take time to think about the anointing of God you have experienced in your life and spend some time praising Him for His glorious Presence! 

Dr. Sharon Predovich



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