Overcoming the Storms of Life # 5: The "working together for good" part of storms -- continued

Uncategorized Apr 07, 2023

In today’s entry let’s continue to discover more ways in which God unfolds the truth of Romans 8:28 in our lives. For example, have you considered that storms create opportunity for us to develop our faith in greater measures?

Let’s be real here. In times of crisis, we normally don’t throw our hands in the air and say, “Bring it on!" We know the Word talks about “the testing of our faith” and certainly, storms do test us!

But reading about and experiencing “testings of faith” are two quite different experiences. Our immediate reactions to storms may be feelings of shock, powerlessness, anger, confusion, deep grief, and other “faith-less” feelings.

Yet as we stretch our faith in these rock bottom experiences, we realize that Jesus is THE ROCK at the bottom! He sustains, anchors, strengthens and comforts us through it all, bringing us to victory and an overcomer’s testimony. Our task is to remain full of faith and hope – not losing our confidence.

How do we hold on to our confidence, our sense of expectancy, and ultimately arrive at the place of overcoming? Galatians 6: 9 says “And let us not be weary in well doing; for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”

We find this in James 1: 2-4 (NIV). "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance.  Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." 

Isaiah 61:3b (NAS) teaches us how not to faint. It says that the Lord gives us “…the mantle of praise instead of the spirit of fainting.” We must keep on believing and praising Him in faith that better days are coming, not fainting as we wait. Praise brings incredible results:  joy, deliverance, purpose, strength, physical healing and more.  Mothers of Nations, praise is a huge key in dealing with the stormy events of life.

Let me share with you now a personal storm that I will call my “flashflood of fear.”

In the mid 1980’s (yes, I am a “seasoned senior” believer!) my husband and I went through a life storm in which fear vigorously tried to overtake me.  One morning as I was waking up I instantly sensed the presence of something demonic hovering near me.  Now this type of spiritual encounter had never happened to me before, but I was quite aware that this was a spirit of fear.

In the midst of the stormy chaos we were walking through at that time, I knew that I had to do something about the fear that was pressing on my mind and my heart.  I told my husband to take our preschool daughter to the mall and while they were gone, I had to deal with the devil.  I had no choice because I could not allow fear to overtake me.

As a worship leader and a teacher of all things praise and worship, I knew the principles of the power of praise and I understood that praise was one of my mighty weapons of spiritual warfare.  Yet my current storm had beaten me to the ground and I was living day to day wondering what was going to happen next.  That morning I did not feel anointed, bold, powerful, or full of faith.  But . . .  I knew where I could find that anointing, boldness, power and faith.  I had taught about the power of praise and worship for years and that day I had to practice what I preached, literally.

I went to my family room and I laid face down on the carpet.  I was crying, wiping my tears, and blowing my nose as I began to weakly sing a praise chorus to the Lord.  It was not pretty.  It was not heartfelt.  It was simply offered in obedience to the Lord with no initial “feelings” involved. 

But as I continued to sing that chorus over and over and over, crying and choking up as I spoke, I could sense things changing. My spirit began to take over and I started to feel stronger in my body and in my spirit.  I stood up and started circling and singing in my family room, each step and each vocal note beginning to build boldness and faith in my heart.  After about fifteen minutes of “practicing what I preached,” lifting up praise to the Lord in the midst of this spiritual attack, I suddenly sensed the spirit of fear flee my home – never to return again!

There is no doubt that my flashflood of fear experience allowed me to develop my faith in my greater measure.  The Lord equipped me to face that raging flood of fear that entered my home that morning and prevail as an overcomer with God-focused praise. 

I thank the Lord for working “all things” together for MY good that day.  All praise and glory belong to Him!

Rev. Nola Beintema




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