Lord, Teach Me To Pray: Prayers of Deliverance

Uncategorized Jul 08, 2022

As prayer became a lifestyle for me, people would come asking me to pray for them. Once you start praying for other people, you never know what might happen! One time a lady came to our house and wanted prayer for her marriage. We talked a while, and then I started to pray. All of a sudden she fell on the floor, rolled back and forth, and said, “I don’t know where I am!”

Well, no one had ever fallen over when I prayed, nor had I ever seen someone go somewhere in the spirit and say they were lost! Staring at her and not knowing what was happening, I remembered a book I had read about demons and deliverance where a minister had said, “Demon, name yourself.” 

So I did just that and shouted out, “Demon, name yourself!”  Was I ever surprised at what happened next. A deep, loud, slow voice came out of that woman saying, “Medium.”  Following the format I had read in that book about deliverance prayer, I responded, “Demon of Medium, you leave her now!” 

And that is just what happened. Talk about “on-the-job training” in learning new forms of prayer!

For the next few months I noticed that everyone who came to me for prayer wanted prayer for deliverance. There was a nun who cussed all the time, a priest struggling with lust, a friend dealing with fear…..and the list went on and on. Prayer took on a whole new dimension again for me as the Holy Spirit taught me about this specific type of prayer.

I had learned how to pray for people and set them free, but casting out demons, breaking cords of iniquity, binding and loosing, and healing wounded hearts was all new prayer territory for me. My prayer journey and my development as a Mother of Nations was going full speed ahead at that particular time in my life as the Holy Spirit gave me a crash course in deliverance.

Dr. Sharon Predovich



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