Divine Encounters

Uncategorized Dec 10, 2021

I don't know about you, but I would love to experience a divine encounter! I am talking about a special moment with God that I will never forget -- one that reveals a deeper revelation of Him and imparts a supernatural change in my life for His glory.

In the book of Acts, the disciples were waiting in the upper room praying.  I am not sure if they had any clue as to "what" they were waiting for, but what happened was definitely enough to change them forever.  They were supernaturally endued with Holy Ghost power to impact the world around them.  They no longer feared man but rather God.  They received an impartation of love, mercy, grace, power, and so much more.

  • Moses had a divine encounter that sent him to his governmental leaders to confront slavery and idolatry.
  • Joshua met the Lord of Hosts.
  • Gideon was commissioned by an angel sent from God.
  • Isaiah was caught up in God's Presence and encountered holiness that revealed his own sinful nature.  He was called and commissioned to "go."
  • Ezekiel encountered multiple experiences with God.
  • Paul met God on the road to Damascus and was changed forever.

And the list goes on and on -- Peter, John, Philip, Esther, Jacob and more.  Every one of these examples shows us that God does amazing things.  He is willing to meet with us and challenge us to change for His glory.

My prayer for us today is this:  Lord, let us each encounter You.  Whether You want to challenge us, commission us, empower us, reveal something to us, reposition us, or just supernaturally encourage us, we are ready and waiting on You.  Heavenly Father, we open our hearts, minds, and body to You.  We are trusting You and waiting on You.  Please let us encounter You today in a special way!  Amen.

As we conclude these thoughts, here is a short poem that I titled "Let Me . . . "

Let me encounter You today.  Let me experience You in a profound way.

Let me see Your face and glory.  Let me live to others my story.

Let me walk in Your grace until we meet face to face.

Let me experience Your Presence so holy.  Let me know Your goodness, kindness, and mercy wholly.

Let me be a vessel, zealous for You every day.  Let me meet with You and follow only Your way.  

Let me hear Your clear voice and thus make the right choice.

Let me encounter Your glory so that I can tell powerfully Your story.

(Dr. Sharon Predovich)



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