An Attitude of Gratitude - part 3

Uncategorized Mar 15, 2024

How was your week? Did you take note of the choices you made? Hopefully those choices were greatly influenced by the gratitude of your heart in all that God has provided. Let’s move on today and look at several other truths about God that should develop overflowing gratefulness in our hearts and attitudes.

Have you considered this? God is trustworthy. Is this something we can be grateful for? I certainly think so.

  •  Psalm 145: 13

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and Your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is trustworthy in all He promises and faithful in all He does.

God doesn’t change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I don’t know about you, but this is something I can shout about! I am so thankful for His steadfastness and that I can always trust Him.

Because God is trustworthy He is also TRUE. There is nothing false about Him.

  •  Numbers 23: 19 – He doesn’t lie.
  •  John 14: 6 – Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.”
  •  John 16: 13-14: …when the Spirit of truth comes…

Knowing that our God is trustworthy and true gives great strength to our daily choices about all the challenges and circumstances that come our way. We can always TRUST our God and for this I am full of gratitude.

I think that knowing God is eternal (beyond time) is another truth that supports developing attitudes of gratitude. He is the beginning and the end. He has always been. God has existed forever, without a beginning or an ending.

  •  He is omniscient: all knowing.
  •  He is omnipotent: all powerful.
  •  He is omnipresent: all present.
  •  Deuteronomy 33: 27

The eternal God is our refuge.

How can we not be grateful for these things? I think many times we get bogged down in daily routines and the mundane necessities of living. In doing so we forget Who we serve, Who we love, and Who has provided for us through eternity. Remembering that we serve the ETERNAL GOD is another way we can stay focused on making the best choices for our lives day after day. It counts – for eternity!

Are you sensing in a larger measure all that we have through our loving God that certainly should evoke gratitude in our hearts? How about this next truth? God is faithful.

  •  Psalm 33: 4

For the Word of the Lord is right and true. He is faithful in all He does.

God has a lasting loyalty to us His children. He is true to His Word. He is steadfast and dedicated.

  •  Deuteronomy 32: 4

He is the Rock, His works are perfect, and all His ways are just. A faithful God Who does no wrong, upright and just is He.

  •  Joshua 21: 45

Not one of God’s promises failed … every one was fulfilled.

  •  Psalm 89: 2

He has established His faithfulness in the heavens.

There are endless qualities and characteristics about God that we could discuss, actually on into eternity! But perhaps we could conclude with this final truth that says it all. The reason that we should be forever and always full of gratitude:  God is love.

  •  John 3: 16

For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.

Our God’s unconditional love accepts us as we are and all our imperfections, all our stinky attitudes, and all our bad choices. Because of this incomprehensible love for us, He sent Jesus to make a way to lift us out of our sin and to bring us into a loving relationship with Him. If this doesn’t stir our gratitude, I really don’t know what can.

Today let’s set as our goal to remember who we are because of Jesus and Who God is to us. If we do this, how can we not have a good attitude:  an attitude that is filled with gratitude!

Because of You, Jesus, we are thankful and grateful to declare:

  •  We are good because You are good.
  •  We are restored.
  •  We are always available to You.
  •  We are trustworthy, truth-tellers.
  •  We are eternal and headed to heaven.
  •  We are faithful.
  •  We are loved.

When we concentrate on an attitude of gratitude:

  •  We think on good things. (Philippians 4: 8)
  •  We practice good things.
  •  We do good to others.
  •  We speak well of others.
  •  We determine how we respond to both good and bad situations.

Mothers of Nations, let’s recognize the value of having an attitude of gratitude and thankfulness in our lives. Let’s continue to acknowledge the power of choosing the “high road” of gratitude in all we say and do.

I am grateful to God for each of you!

Dr. Sharon Predovich





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