2022: It's Going To Be Fun!

Uncategorized Dec 31, 2021

As women leaders and Mothers of Nations, for this coming year of 2022 let’s remember that God has chosen us and equipped us for this specific time in history. We are His contemporary Esthers! Ladies, be bold and go before the people and pave the way for the new ideas God has prepared for this year. Be innovative and creative, operating in faith and love.

John the Baptist knew where he came from and what his assignment on earth was in his day. Do we know our assignments?

First of all, we live to honor God in all we do and say. Secondly, we were born to be a vessel for the Master’s use. Thirdly, as a woman we are to yield to God’s will every step of the way. We are a witness of His love and are destined to make a difference in our community and all our relationships. Finally, we are God’s messengers of hope to our confused and lost world. 

Remember that John the Baptist lived in obscurity until his time came. And now WE are entering OUR time in 2022! Let’s take our territory for the Kingdom of God, stay focused on His assignments, and invest our lives into His hands and will. God will mold us and make us into all that we have been created to be to impact our world for His glory. 

Let this New Year be a breakthrough year for you, Mother of Nations!


2022:  It’s Going To Be Fun!  a poem by Dr. Sharon Predovich

This coming year of 2022 is going to be all new for you.

God will open doors for many and also close some old ones too.

It’s a year of challenge and change, a year when some things must rearrange.

It’s a season of stretching and catching, catching His vision and patching up pain.

Fixing the losses and gains for His glory, learning to share His Word and your story.

It’s a year of surprise as you see world tension rise.

Let not your heart be troubled, for God’s anointing has doubled.

He will reveal hidden things and let you experience His Presence and angel wings.

Your life will grow more passionate for Him, things of this world will continue to dim.

You’ll be more strong and determined than ever to preach His Word and love forever.

2022 is a new season for you His chosen one, so don’t miss out on all the fun.

This new season has just begun!





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